Paper Houses Likes - Getting Creative

Hello! For this months Paper Houses Likes we’re focusing on getting creative. It’s helped many folks, us included, get through the last year. When working from home or working in a pandemic or even getting through the day to day was getting to us we’d turn to our sketchbook, our stitching, our printing and workshops!

So in this blog, we’re highlighting our favourite ones.


Paper Folding - Kate Colin Design - Absolutely loved this workshop! There are two workshops to choose from and we did the second one as we’d done a bit of folding and pleating before and really wanted to experiment. Kates workshop went into great detail without being overwhelming. With the kit and the techniques explained in detail it’s meant we’ve been able to go off after the workshop and experiment more.


Eco Printing - Camban Studio - The foraging queen! Fiona was telling me the other day about Spruce Tea?!? In this workshop, you won’t be drinking but printing with natural materials. What’s great about these workshops is that they are split over a few weeks so you can give it a go then come back, share and ask all the questions you have thought of in-between sessions.


Pearl Knotting - Aubin Jewellery - I love pearls, I think I got this from my Granny Nellie who was the absolute ace of spades. I remember when I was younger how she needed to get her pearls re-knotted and she couldn’t wear them for ages until she did, imagine I had been on this course then? She’d of been right out dancing with them. Aubin’s work perfectly combines traditional and contemporary techniques. It’s great to have a deeper appreciation of the making process by giving it a go. You can choose between making a bracelet or necklace and between live or re-recorded meaning you can pick whatever suits you, perfect!

Modern Embroidery - Us! Well, we could not chat about our FORM Embroidery workshop. We’ve been running these since late 2020 and have been loving it! The chance to chat with folks whilst stitching, plus breaking down the perceived barriers to embroidery by showing rules are there to be broken? Love it! This workshop has connected us back to what we love in a time that we thought that we would not be able to teach in 2020. This was made possible by developing our tech and online skills with Creative Scotland support as well as by you taking part and embracing the online. We’ve managed to raise money for The Make Bank along the way, with 15% of your Kit and Workshop orders going their way.

We won’t be doing a live embroidery workshop for the next couple of months as we have a few plates spinning, including developing our drawing workshop into an online one, with a kit! So keep an eye out for that and on our Instagram for sneak peeks.