The Making Hour .12

This week I really needed to get cracking with trying to plan. But I had been putting it off for days, so I took inspiration from folks like Nikki McWilliams and decided to Bullet Journal. This creative way of planning is often much more suitable for visual folks. I grabbed my notebook, line guide and a selection of lovely pens, pencils and washi tapes to get organised in a creative way. Stationery is my happy place.

All the bullet journaling I’ve seen has been done on dotted paper but I do like to add mind maps and sketches in my plans so I just used one of the FORM notebooks. Popping the line guide in behind the page gave the guides I needed to align what I wanted.

Now with everything going on I’m definitely not planning in detail more than two weeks ahead. Mean what’s the point right now? I think that would have just stressed me out more, but I do need to plan so the weeks don’t run away. Especially when juggling parenting life with running a business and teaching. From chatting with folks many feel the same.

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So I set sort of goals for the year, things I want to keep doing in 2021 and things I want to change. Mean not everything was bad about 2020, I started this blog for one - a chance to take an hour a week to do something creative just for me to give a boost of energy to the week ahead.

Learning from The Design Trust I don’t overthink these ideas I go with my gut. Not thinking about how it sounds to others or making it fancier than it needs to be. Ever since I read about this idea I’ve loved it and adding colourful washi tape just makes it even better right?

Being creative does not just need to be painting and drawing some times it’s just bringing a bit of creative fun into the need to do tasks.

What tasks could you make a bit creative to make them more appealing to do? Check out our Instagram to see the Reel of me bullet journaling here - @Paper_Houses

I used the FORM Luxury Notebook in this blog post.