The Making Hour .1
How’s that work life balance going? Yeah, it’s become a bit of a shambles here too, so I’ve decided to change that.
Dyed Silk
Between work (which I love!), family (who I love!) and life admin (washing up? No thanks) it can leave little space for the things you do just for you. I was really feeling this at the start of lockdown, mean where did all that extra washing come from?! Wellbeing has become a big focus for me over the last few months and like many others my go to for this is making and being creative. So, I decided to get back to doing embroidery just to unwind at the end of the day. I thought other folks may feel the same way, so I shared a free embroidery workshop in June. Everything was going well but then the thought to check emails at 10pm and other bad habits started creeping in again. Often, I do have to work long or odd hours, that’s the life of a one-person business but there still needs to be time for me, and it can be done, with your help!
I’ve made a plan to spend at least 1 hour a week doing something creative just for fun! I’ll be telling you all about it to make sure I am carving out that hour for myself, The Making Hour. This weekend it was natural dyeing. The wee boss and I hit the garden to look for the berries that were past eating.
Dyeing’s not a new thing for me as I used to love hiding away for days getting the perfect dye formula for projects. But this venture into natural dying was new, I decided just to go with it and see what colour the berries would give me. It was like the first time I had ever dyed fabric, the magic of wondering what the outcome would be, taking the fabric out of the water to check it, seeing it change from bubble gum pink to a rich fuchsia was mesmerising. Including berry picking and quick clean-up it was a bit over an hour but definitely worth it!
If I hadn’t decided to do The Making Hour the urge to do work in that hour might have overcome me. The need to get work done. But doing that gave me the energy and drive that I needed the next day for all the life admin, work and family fun. See below for the dying steps. Even if you’ve never attempted craft or creative techniques before you’ll love this simple one.
I used -
Berries - Blackcurrants and Brambles
Metal pot - You need a separate pot specifically for dyeing
Fabric - cotton and silk
Something to stir with
The steps -
Put berries in pot, cover in water and bring to simmer - don’t boil
Wet fabric and place in to pot then add water to cover fabric
Simmer for an hour - stir every 10 - 15 mins (pop music or a podcast on and get a cuppa on the go)
Take fabric out and put in cold water to rinse out until water runs clear then hang to dry
Sieve dye water into a container, removing the berries and keep dye water for later use.
Have you been doing anything new or creative just for fun and to help your wellbeing? Share with us on Instagram - @Paper_Houses
- Mhairi