The Making Hour .3
This week it’s been busy but in a good way. Because of this though it’s more important than ever to take some time out to unwind so this week I turned to my favourite creative past time, embroidery. There’s nothing better on a gloomy weekend than getting cosy under a blanket, having a hot drink and doing some embroidery.
Our FORM Embroidery Workshop coming soon
I used to embroider a lot from a young age. Starting with cross stitch in primary school then I got a little kit when I was about 7 years old and loved it. My graduation collection even incorporated embroidery. I’ve always been interested in experimenting with it, taking very simple stitches and seeing what I could create.
After graduating I didn’t really give time to do this creative love but in the last two years, I’ve found it again and really been enjoying the unwinding possibilities. There’s something about the rhythmic repetition of sewing in embroidery that’s almost meditative. I couldn’t find any embroidery kits that fitted my taste so I started designing my own for myself and friends. It was never meant to be a thing but then earlier this year I released a free embroidery workshop with a minimal modern design I created and got great feedback. This made me realise that it’s not only a great relaxing and mind-clearing exercise for just me, but it might also be helpful for others too. So I decided to create a kit with workshops that I’ll be releasing later this month. Simple, stylish and rewarding embroidery that gives you a great sense of achievement when you create something yourself. Not a project that takes forever and stays half done… we’ve all been there right?
If you have a creative moment this week that helps you unwind or re-energise then share it! Tell people about it! You never know, it could help others too.
Have a good week!
- Mhairi