The Making Hour .9

This time of the year seems to be the height of the making season! This week we spent our time making paper chains using Who Gives A Crap loo roll wrap. The toilet roll is wrapped in amazing paper and I’ve been wondering what to do with it. On Friday the wee boss and I needed something to keep us busy but nothing too active, it was Friday after all. He had been going on about Christmas a lot so I thought what better than some paper chains.

They are super easy to make. All you need is -

  • Paper - try to reuse something in the recycling to make a unique combo

  • Scissors

  • Glue stick or stapler

This is how we made them:

1. Cut the paper into strips

2. Fold it in half along the long side of the paper, then open up again

3. Fold the outer edges into the middle

4. Then fold it in half so all raw edges are hidden

5. Cut the folded strip into equal-sized strips

6. Join ends of one strip together with glue stick or staple

7. Loop another folded strip through the first one

8. Repeat step 6 and 7 until you run out of paper

From scrap paper to ace decorations! Plus there’s something calming about just sitting with a cuppa folding some paper.

Give it a go and share your photos with us on Instagram @Paper_Houses #TheMakingHour

- Mhairi