The Making Hour .7
This week for the Making Hour I made a list of all the things I have been able to do in 2020 so far. Like many folks, I was getting a bit negative about the current situation we are in. When we stop and think we can often realise what we have had time for. This positive reflecting helps with our wellbeing.
Scottish landscape in Autumn
I went on a wander up to a viewpoint with my little family where I popped out my notebook and started jotting down all the things that I had done this year. Creative things like getting back into screen printing, taking time out to be creative as well as going on walks and spending time with family.
It was also great to note down goals that I had achieved this year like launching the new collection FORM. Though it launched much later than originally wanted it was great to tick something off this year.
Give it a go! You might be surprised with that you’ve achieved. Did you get back into reading? Or finally, made time to watch films you love? Or did you start drawing? Is there something not on that list that you really wished there was?
- Mhairi