The Making Hour .5

Back to basics.

This week I didn’t have 1 hour but 6 hours of creative bliss! I joined Lorna Brown, Blessed Unrest, for a day of screen printing fun.

Some of you might already know but for those who don’t, I trained in screen printing at DJCAD. I absolutely love it. In the last few years (erm 8 years, how did that happen!) I’ve been doing bits of screenprinting here and there and mainly for my own enjoyment as well as getting to teach some great classes. After realising how much I missed it I decided I needed a full on-screen printing session and refresh my skills. So I popped over to Lorna’s studio for a day of professional development and a lot of fun.

Printing with pigments is ace! It’s very immediate you can mix colours just like mixing paint. You can screen print or paint it on. Here I am giving it mark making yaldi with a spatula. The textures created were brilliant, especially in dark blue.

I’ve been on a little mission to turn an outside shed into a studio, a shedio if you will. A place to pop off to and be creative. A place where the laptop, admin and social media are banned. There’s been a few setbacks and I was feeling a bit miffed at the whole thing. But getting a day of printing in Lorna’s amazing space reignited that need to have my own printing studio.

This sums up The Making Hour perfectly, making at least an hour a week to do something you love or something new or creative in order to give you that boost we all need. Is there something creative you love to do or used to love to do but don’t have the time or space anymore to do it? Maybe you’ve managed to carve out an hour this week? Or found a workaround to be able to connect with it again? I’d love to hear from you.

All photos were taken by the lovely Blessed Unrest, aka Lorna Brown.

- Mhairi